The Heating/Ventilation/Air Conditioning (HVAC) unit in your Class A seems to be aftermarket. Your coach builder decides whose HVAC to install. Most aftermarket A/C systems use Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TXV) and do not cycle. Can you trace the compressor discharge line to, then out of, the Condenser Coil(in front of the Radiator)? If the Drier is in a small refrigerant line near the Condenser, it's TXV and shouldn't cycle. Would be black and more or less the size of a beer can. If a cylinder about the size of a coffee can and maybe bare aluminum then system is Cycling Clutch Orifice Tube (CCOT) and will rarely cycle. More likely if weather is cool.
Next task looks like finding documentation on your HVAC. That would be the Cabinet with Heater and A/C Evaporator Cores, Blower, LInes, and Controls. That documentation would include a Wiring Diagram. AND hopefully info on the Refrigerant System, like any safety valves or switches for Low or High Pressure.