The original converter an Atwood Fortron integrated into the panel is not working and was bit anemic in charging the battery when on shore power when everything was running- I opted for a 4 stage Power Max -My thoughts were that I could eventually add a battery - add additional DC circuits for equipment and better battery management with a 4 stage converter. The old converter I had is no longer made so swapping it for a more modern converter for nearly the same cost made perfect sense to me. I was thinking I could do the swap now to get me running again and add a battery and upgrade the wire later. I know AC power pretty well but not sure of DC and charging systems. Does the charger push or the battery pull Amperage I guess is the simple question? As most circuits draw what they need and are fused/or have a breaker. I would think a second battery would require larger wires to charge efficiently but could I get by now as is?