Now that was easy huh!!!! Always easy after you spot the problem... Give the $200 service charge to a homeless person...
Glad you got it fixed up...
Just keep in mind both the battery and the shore power setup fed the same point on the 12VDC Distribution Panel. With Shore Power not connected you very first test is turn on the trailer ceiling lights and they should light up telling you all of the in-line fuses including the REVERSE POLARITY fuses and all battery connections are good between you battery and the 12VDC Power Distribution Panel where all of you 12VDC fuses are located.
If you don't have you ceiling lights burning then you have a bad connections of some sort or the battery is dead. We always just read the battery DC VOLATGE at the terminals 12.6-7VDC for fully charged battery and when we connect up to shore power this reading will jump to 13.6VDC telling me that on board converter is working.
Glad you back up and running now...
Roy Ken