pianotuna wrote:
Put the dc to DC charger in the existing "house" charging circuit on the "house" side of the isolation solenoid.
While in use--there is no back feed path.
Then when the truck is shut off, the dc to DC will be isolated from the chassis battery.
This would be in the Chev truck using the 7-pin which is always live. No isolator as with a Ford. so when engine off, the input to the Renogy would be live and still charging the house? except no charging to the starter batt? OOPs ?
OK same as usual with the 7-pin , have to unplug it when parked and no shore power. Except with the Renogy there, shore power won't float the starter batt too. I put a trickle charger on the starter batt now if parked for a longer time. Could still do that- so the Renogy and the converter would be in parallel on the house. that's ok.