Slownsy wrote:
BFL13 according to Renogys manual you will have to install 6-4 Wire from truck to FW as distance 20-30’
Yes, thanks. I will see how it goes first. It is more like 12 ft one way, but the 7-pin charging wires are more like #10 or 12, so amps will suffer. It is a Truck Camper and camper batts are near the front of the truck bed, so closer. I get 15 amps on the 7-pin now to the camper batt (at first, then it tapers)
My purpose is not to get more amps (but that would be nice), but to not have the two types of batteries "mixed", which might not even be an issue either. I just don't want to mix them and that's that.
--PT, what do you want one for? And why not get the 60 amper, or will that overtax your alternator ? (input amps draw being higher than output amps.) Also you said you will have two banks so do you need two?