Apr 05, 2018Explorer
Dealer STILL can't fix slide out HELP
We purchase a new 2018 Freedom Express in August (More detail in 2 previous posts) After having an issue with the slide out, I dropped it off in Sept 2017. Seven months later and many attempts at adjusting it at the dealer, they could only get it to close with a 1-inch gap. Unacceptable. I contacted Coachman, they said the 3/4 inch gasket around the slideout should compress 50%, that would mean a 3/8 inch gap would be acceptable. The guy at coachman worked with the dealer to get it right. The dealer called me and said my travel trailer was ready. When I went to inspect and measure it, there was still a 5/8 inch gap. Better than before but still not the 3/8 inch gap recommended by the manufacturer. I called the manufacturer again and now is backing off the 50% compression, saying they "Like" to have 50% but 5/8 inch gap was fine. Both dealer and manufacturer are telling me they have a bunch of new TT's on the lot the same or bigger gaps. What should I do? Is 5/8 inch gap ok? How tight does your slideout close? Does anyone what the gap should be or where I can find out?