Thanks for the responses--
Update and details: My 2012 XLT does have an Electric Hydraulic setting, and that is what it is set on. It has been my goal from the start to try to make the IBC work because I want trailer braking controlled by how hard I push on the petal. The IBC set to electric has worked fine with drum brakes. The truck is an XLT—don’t know if that affects additional adjustments, but I can find nothing but gain. The advantage of a Prodigy would be that the initial boost could be set such that it turns the pump on and the gain could be set for smooth transition from that point to just below tire lockup. My present setup is ANYTHING but smooth.
One question does seem to be answered—Titan gets the vote. I’m going to research the interface module—maybe it provides different functions beyond proper loading for controllers lacking hydraulic settings. Part of the problem with the Dexter actuator is that it does have a higher turn on voltage, so it doesn’t get rolling until the controller is calling for a good chunk of braking—thus the jerkiness. Maybe the interface helps with that issue.