Verizon unlimited plans are limited to sreaming 480 resolution on phones, 720 on tablets.
Pay more for the beyond unlimited plan which is beyond unlimited to 720 on phones,1080 on tablets.
Both are subject to throttling above 22 gigs.
Unlimited is seldom true.
Not sure what it's like in AZ, but here in PA there are plenty of areas where simply having cell signal is iffy, let alone data, be it Verizon or any of them. Same holds true for WV, MD, NY. Once you get 10 miles or so away from the major highways and interstates, add in some hills and mountains, so much for consistent service, especially anything close to fast enough to stream HD content.
Streaming is great until the flow stops. If TV was a high priority I would have satellite as a backup to the cell service or only go to places where I was 100% sure of coverage. 22 gigs does not go very far if you're streaming HD day in and day out for hours.