Look at
this thread on another forum with some pictures and schematics and such. While the specific thread relates to a PCM15CK, much of the posted information applies equally well to yours, which simply lacks the charger section. In other words, the converter apparently has no way of charging the battery by design. (You aren't missing much there; the charger on the CK model was rated at 1A charging current!)
Note that the brand is Basler (which, at least in the one pictured in the above thread, appears only in a little logo at the bottom) and the POWER CONVERTER/CHARGER part is just a generic descriptive name.
You would be very well served to replace this ancient converter with a modern unit. It's not worth attempting to repair it, if indeed it's broken. It could probably keep a door open that tends to close on its own, or prevent papers on a desk from blowing about in a stiff breeze, or possibly even prevent a small boat from drifting from a desired location when lowered on a rope to the bottom of the water.