Had a problem with my 2014 unit, short cycling, called dealer, girl at service desk said (she sounded like she knew what she was talking about) had a notice from Domitec to only run blower on auto. I did that , it ran ok for a while. then while down in Tenn. in Aug. it short cycled. We were hot. At home took to dealer, then ran the AC or a Wk. end with no problem. Took MH home, next day it short cycled again. I started by checking all the connections found the freeze senser on coil was not tight. Every thing was fine three mo. in Fla. The daaler tried to charge me for checking the unit. My wife took care of that quickly. This units blower stops when near temp. set, for a few seconds then restarts at low speed, the compreser keeps going on the recycling blower.