jfschmitter1 wrote:
1. Yes it runs for one minute then shuts off. Then there is a delay of about 5 minutes and it repeats. After 3 or 4 times the compressor will come on.
2. Under normal running condition the compressor starts 10 to 15 seconds after the fan.
3. The problem with the compressor not starting normally only occurs at night, between approximately 10 pm and 7 am.
There are no vents directed toward the thermostat.
You need to check the LINE voltage since this problem happens only at night. You also need to check the 12 volt supply AT the AC control box when this is happening. 12 volts is what operates all the relays and controls in the AC control board. I suspect you have a 12 volt supply problem. I have worked on(and correctly fixed) thousands of RV AC systems over the years and have NEVER experienced your type problem. Since you have replaced the Tstat and control box, your problem is external to the AC system. Doug