Disconnect shore power, shut off propane
Get a handheld multimeter
Select RESISTANCE OHMS 1,000 ohms scale
Disconnect pair of wires that go into insulation on the vertical tube on the right side. These two wires are the AC power wires that go to the heater.
Disconnect the harness at the plastic disconnect coupling.
Turn meter on. and double check ohms again.
Touch the red and black test lead points together
Meter scale goes from blinking "1" to solid "0" right?
Touch red wire to one of the two wires LEADING TO THE HEATING ELEMENT
Touch the black wire to the OTHER wire leading to the heat element
What reading do you get?
Keep testing
Set meter to AC (NOT DC!) volts.
Reconnect shore power insure you do have shore power inside the rig.
Go to refrigerator. Do you now have power to the refrigerator? Good
Take meter with you. Remember it is to be set to AC volts 200 volt scale.
Remember the 2 connections you tested with the ohm meter?
This test has nothing to do with those 2 wires.
This test has to do with the other side. The twin wires you did not test.
BE CAREFUL you are working around live 120 volts AC
Keep your fingertips AWAY from the test lead metal points
Same type of test
One meter probe to one wire the 2nd meter probe to it's twin.
How many volts do you see?
Check back on the forum with the results of your meter testing.