Got out the multimeter. I did the following.
- Tested for good DC voltage. Did notice on the terminals a bunch of dirt dauber nest. Cleaned that off
- verified that heating element is getting power.
- verified that inner control board is working.
- verified that outer control board is working and that all fuses were intact.
- to the guy who asked about the element. I got 39.5 ohms which I was outside when testing a bit chilly. It’s within tolerance of the manual.
- scratches my head because nothing was making sense.
- can tell you that on propane last night got freezer down to bear operating range before I ran out of propane. (Note: Missus was not happy about that.)
So finally I did what someone here suggested. I unplugged every connector on that lower control board and then hooked everything back up again and left it on electric. Within 15 minutes I grabbed that vent pipe and wow was it hot! Then I felt the coils on the back. They are starting to warm up.
Don’t know if this is fixed yet. Will report back later.