Well. glad the "Unplug and replug" suggestion worked. Did for me and a few others (I think you are #4 or 5 on my list of re-pluggers) (I'm both 1 and 2 Fridge and engine both responded to that Repair)
Longer version. There is a virus. It first became well known back in the 80's as it killed computer after computer. It likes electrical current (low levels not amps but uA) and it thus grows on contacts. Well when it gets enough it insulates and the connection fails.. Unplug/replug scrapes it off.
On computers with edge connectors (instead of pins) you usually "Erase" the board with a pencil eraser .But just unplug and replug works.
And for the propane folks. there is a spider that likes to nest in propane jets.