UPDATE --- back from trip . new jet was in the mail-- did NOT fit--- not really surprised -- with a selection of brass fittings was able to adapt the fridge to use the new jet. I was replacing a #43 jet with a #48 -- would have preferred maybe a #46 but you take what you can get. THE BEST PART-- fridge is cooling on propane like a champ !!
Been a 3 day test with outside temps in the 90s and temps inside the RV sometimes up to 105 degrees. Parked in the sun with fridge side to the sun. The thermostat has been on " 4" for the entire test. Highest temp measured in the food section has been 37 degrees.
So no other changes except the jet replaced with a larger one.
The #43 was listed in the Dometic manual as the part# for this model. It had been inspected with magnifying glass and endoscope. Cleaned numerous times.
Anyway, the thing is working well and I'm happy.