Ed-N-Dani wrote:
westend wrote:
Replace it with a residential. The money you save by going to a compressor fridge can be put back into solar, batteries, and an inverter. With a compressor fridge, your box temps will always be low, it will cool in 1/10 the time, and you won't have to buy as much propane.
Do you have a recommendation on a place to shop that will fit and do they sell them that run on 12/115? I briefly shopped it on google and was only coming up with the portable chest type refrigerators.
120V refrigerators or 12V refrigerators are sold all over. Getting one that will run on both voltages will be problematic. You could search the Forums for what others have used to replace their dead absorption models. I see where a few have bought a 10 cu ft Frigidaire for this purpose. I use a small dorm fridge and that would probably not fit your use.
Fitment will be on your shoulders. Measuring the opening would be the first step.