PastorCharlie wrote:
Does anyone have a source for a Dometic 3311557.000 motherboard?
I have been trying for over a year to source one but all search options list as unavailable. RV dealer has been waiting on factory order since first of 2021.
Would anyone have one laying around shop that they do not need?
It would help if we knew what the Dometic 3311557.000 is...
I typed: Dometic 3311557.000
Into google and it suggests an air conditioner and found several replacement "electronic Boards"
For other appliances (Fridge, water heater, furnace) my first stop would be Dinosaur boards... I used one of those on my furnace.
I'm a certified electronics technician and hobbiest.. My first impression when I looked at the Dino board was QUALITY.. and a closer inspection only increased that..