mxdad777 wrote:
Yesterday afternoon I pulled out my Fluke multi meter and started testing everything I could find in the service manual. The 120v elements ohm reading was in spec as well as the thermistor. All of the fuses were good and I have good 12v power feeding the circuit board. The odd things I discovered were....I would test the 5amp 12v fuse and have 12.8 volts. 30 minutes later I would check it and have no power. Check it again an hour later and have power. When I open the fridge door the light would come on and then randomly go off. I would shut the power off and then the light would work again, but then go out again. Sometimes the light would stay on for only a few seconds and sometimes it would stay on for about 30 to 45 seconds. Anyway, it appears that there is a lot of random things going on so I ordered a new circuit board and I’ll go from there. Oh, I also pulled the old circuit board and I cant see anything visable that is burnt, but I’ve ran out of things to test so I’m going to replace it and see where it gets me. Thanks for all the suggestions. I’ll report the end result when I’m finished. Maybe it will help someone else someday.
It's possible that your converter put out an excessively high voltage for a brief moment when it fried and that could have taken out the fridge board.
Make sure any hardwired LP/CO detectors you may have are still working or maybe just replace them to be safe.