Forum Discussion

rtate's avatar
Jun 24, 2014

Dometic Refrigerator Not Cooling Properly

I have owned my rig for about a year. The refrigerator has always cooled just marginally. Just left yesterday and refrigerator is showing 56 degrees . 8cf model, not located in slide. Ac or propane both operate the same. No signs of coolant leak. Gaskets appear to be ok. I installed a fan to blow accross the coils but when operated seems to actually raise the temp in the refrigerator.

The thermister is located at the top of the last fin on the right hand side. As soon as it gets light outside I will try to figure out my problem.

1. Is there a way to check my board?
2. Is there a way to check the thermistor?
3. How can I clean the flue?

Any help appreciated.
  • A defective Thermister will still TEST OK
    A Dirty flue will not cause a 120 side problem
    If the unit operates LP and 120 the board is OK
    The fact that adding a fan is very strange since it decreases cooling. That will NEVER happen. Are you positive the roof top ventilation is NOT blocked?
    As long as roof top ventilation is clear, the BEST test is to hot wire the 120 element for 24 hours(the 120 element is good). After 24 hours if the refer is NOT below 38 degrees, the CU is defective. Doug