Forum Discussion

whiteknight1950's avatar
Apr 11, 2014

Dometic RM 2353 Refrigerator

Hello All...

Im new to the forum so forgive me if I don't know all the rules.

I am a newby owner of a 2003 Northstar was stored for 4 years outdoors in AZ and I'm trying to bring it back to life. The prior owners had left the battery connected and a can of coke in the exploded and you can imagine the rest. Ive cleaned up most of it but want to take the fridge out to clean underneath it and to check the upper and lower circuit board fuses and connectivity prior to trying to start up...

I have all manuals available and exploded parts diagram but they don't really help with circuit board access or the removal process.

Any advice appreciated !!
  • thanks Old Biscuit,

    Have it running on 110 and the ventilator fan has kicked in so it seems good....if cold tomorrow will clear the gas line of air and try to kick start it on gas....

  • Clean out burner area & backside of fridge with a shop vac.

    Turn fridge ON AC. Wait overnight and see how it is cooling.
    Then try propane.

    Make sure you have propane valved in. Then light off stove top burner on high to get propane flow and to allow LP regulator to adjust/function.
    When you have a good steady gas flame on burner.......then try lighting it off on propane.

    12V DC should ONLY be used when connected to tow vehicle and tow vehicle is running. 12V DC is more for maintaining a cold fridge while traveling vs cooling fridge down. And more often than not......not very good.
  • Thanks Old-Biscuit !

    Very hard to work that out from the manuals I was reading. All good at terminal block and dist panel.

    I Have lpg, 110 and 12v connected....what would correct start up be after 4 years in storage?

    Thanks again
  • Dometic RM 2353 is a 3 way fridge (110V AC, propane & 12V DC)

    There is only the control panel on front of fridge (2 screws).
    No upper/lower circuit boards. No fridge mounted fuses.

    Just 12V DC terminal block for 12V heater element and the 110V/12V 'switch'

    Only fuse would be at DC Dist. Panel in trailer and the 110V AC circuit breaker for the outlet fridge plugs into.

    Here is an Installation & Operation 11 Removal and pg. 15 wiring LINK