Several guys have mentioned that they thought my pressure was low so I figured I would test that before I got too carried away with replacing things that very well may be OK. I spent about a half an hour looking for the manometer I made years ago and finally figured it got tired of waiting and left for more excitement. I spent $7 at Lowes for stuff to make another one. Turns out you characters were right. This is a picture of the gauge as it has been running. I would call it 4.8 on the plus and minus side so it was operating on 9.6 inches of water column pressure.
I adjusted the diaphragm and now it is at 11 in/H2O
The flame does look a little different. The first picture is 9.6 IN/H2O. The second is at 11 inches H2O
Before I tested the pressure, I slid the fridge into the RV and set it on a throw rug so I could work the flue over. I ran a shotgun brush through it many times back and forth and spinning it. Then I shoved a wad of aluminum foil through it a few times to get the dust wiped out. The baffle was real rusty so I put a coarse barrel sander on my dremel and got that all shiny metal again. I reinstalled it and hooked everything back up. It's running through the night and I will check the temp in the morning. The electronic sensors said it wass 60 degrees at 2:30 this afternoon when I closed the doors.