Travelin2 wrote:
I want to run something by you guys that a fellow was telling me about my fridge not cooling. We were at an RV rally and I got to chatting with a fellow RVer. When I described the strangeness of this fridge cooling good on AC and very poorly on propane and all I had done to make sure the propane side was functioning properly, he had a theory and a fix. He thinks that the fact that this rig sat unused for an extended period that the solution inside the cooling unit separated out by settlement and blocked or partially blocked the tubes feeding the boiler. Enough solution is passing the blockage for the electric element to heat and cause a circulation to occur but when the extra heat of the gas is applied, it boils the boiler chamber dry because the solution cannot feed the chamber fast enough and it basically becomes vapor locked. He claimed that the blockage in the system can be cleared by removing the fridge and up-ending it and letting it stand upside down for several hours, at which time I would reinstall it and start it on gas. I was hoping someone here has heard of this before as an accepted thing to do or am I being led on a "snipe hunt"?
OLD wives tale. Not true. When you burp you do indeed "rearrange" the ammonia mixture, but if TRULY blocked this just bypasses for a few weeks and will go back to not cooling. Doug