For me, the DSI fault always points to a supply problem. My fridge alarm is usually my canary in the coal mine, but sometimes the water heater won't ignite even when fridge & stove are functioning fine.
My personal solution is to reboot the gas lines. I'll light a stove burner and then shut off the propane valve. After the burner burns all the LP, I shut off the burner, turn off the fridge, turn the fridge back on, quickly go back outside to the propane tank and slowly reopen the valve.
The fridge usually reignites by the time I get back inside, and I light the stove again for proof of fuel. With those two established, I turn off the stove and then turn the water heater back on.
It always works for me. And then my wife asks me what the heck I'm doing, and I just tell her "nothing" and "everything's fine".