Cummins12V98 wrote:
Gdetrailer, great post showing what a POS the stab n jab type connectors are. Light loads ok.
Temporary INTERMITTENT light loads OK, perhaps a few short term quick heavy loads, OK.. Long term heavy loads like seen from a electric space heater, not so much OK.
First time I encountered those all in one devices, I was rebuilding a 1980 travel trailer, needed to remove the wall board to repair some water damaged rotted studs..
Pulled one of those apart so I could wallboard get past the outlet and exclaimed what a piece of junk! Once you get apart and if you didn't break it from taking it apart putting it back together generally results in breaking the old one and then it doesn't hold together well enough to trust it.
They are designed for high speed assembly on a production line and for shallow walls which would not support standard workboxes..
My second and current TT, didn't have those all in ones, instead they used special shallow workboxes with a "sidecar" bump out on one side..
Like this..

That is a Carlon B117RSW box, Lowes or Home Depot should have them, the downside of these are they are made for 1/2 drywall so you have to make a few mods to work with 1/8" paneling..
Have not been able to find them for thin paneling but with careful rework can be made to work.
Much better and allows you to use higher quality duplex outlets.. Drawback is cost of the work box and slows down production speed on the electrical side of things and time is money..