From the DE-EV0061 Owner's Manual - may not be relevant, or it might?
"CAUTION: Do not operate the refrigerator when the
ambient temperature is higher than 110° F. Operation of
the refrigerator when the ambient temperature is higher
than 110° F will start the over heating shut-off device on
models DE0041T and DE0061T only. See the “Overheating
shut-off device” section.
Operation of other models when the ambient temperature
is higher than 110° F. can cause poor cooling
performance and permanent damage to the compressor."
Note the warning/reference to other models and the ambient temperature. I know it may be apples/oranges, but a lot of this fridge thermal stuff applies across the board.
Based on your posted numbers, you may be pretty close to too hot outside, but your inside trailer temp is reasonable. I'm not sure how much of an effect the external air temperature has on the fridge, but some part of it has to be exposed to those temps, if only the back side and the external venting, if any. Food for thought? (sorry, no pun intended)