4. With respect to L.P. pressure, What kind of gauge is used for measuring that and where would I find one? The range burner looked normal when I bled the gas line after turning on the tank valve in preparation for turning the refer onvbut don't know if that is a good indication. I am assuming that the regulator would be the most likely cause. I believe I have a spare dual tank auto switchover unit I can substitute if the electric operation test shows much improved refer temps. Is there a possible issue if you open the tank valve to quickly?
Opening the valve too quickly will not cause a pressure problem.
You use a MANOMETER to set and test the LP pressure. If you have 10 inches of pressure versus the correct 11.5, that will cause cooling problems. The flame will still look OK. Also, try getting a small 120 volt fan and remove the outside lower door and blow UP with this fan to help remove the hot air. I have a small fan that I install at the upper door after removing the door to blow OUT for troubleshooting slide out installed refers. Doug