I think the ECM was operating in some limp home version for quite some time with the old connector and the code 53, about 30 K miles worth.
Throttle response is now markedly better, it is as if I removed 750 Lbs from within the van. Much less throttle input required for the same acceleration, by about 15 to 20%. But not 20% more power, but I rarely explore that area anyway.
2 of the wires in the connector were a 5v feed for the sensors and a 9v feed to power the other circuit board within the control module.
My hypothesis is that the Throttle position and ManifoldAbsolutePressure sensors, temps sensors were not being fed a true 5 volts and not receiving accurate reduced voltages from the sensors, so the ECM was not doing an ideal Air fuel ratio and spark timing, or perhaps it reverted to preset values. I had gotten a MAP sensor and TPS code in a recent road trip, just once.
Hoping I see an increase in around town MPG's which had dropped off recently, which I attributed solely to taller heavier AT tires but could certainly have a bad ecm connection as a contributor.