Well, the issue is not resolved.
Intermittent stalling has returned, along with the code 53, and wiggling or pressure exerted on the connector base allows restarting but the code 53 returns after a while, and I fear stalling anytime.
Here is the backside of the 14 way connector under the potting. One or more of these solder joints is compromised.
This is an older photo. I've not yet reopened it up so any broken joints might be more obvious than in this photo.

Each solder joint in this photo is 3/16" across or so. I've called around a few electronics repair places locally and they want no part of this, and I'm thinking perhaps I should attempt it myself.
Man, I wish I had more skills and confidence in this department.
Here are some photos of the Junkyard connector I cleaned up and spliced in.

I wish that back up ECM I ordered was not defective.
I just found my original ECM that I never returned for the core charge. The Pins on this original ECM are tighter than on the one underhood at the moment, but it has some failed components.
If i send it out to be rebuilt, it might not return before I fly cross country for a few weeks.
If I try and resolder it myself, and fail, then I am screwed until I get a replacement.
6 of one, half dozen of the other.