I acquired a Weller 8200pk 100/140 watt soldering gun, from Amazon, for cheaper than my local Home Despot, and with no tax, and 2 day (free) shipping.
My older failed ECM, I reflowed and added some solder to all 14 pins. No more pin Wobbling. I installed it, van started up ran fine. 7 times it started fine. 8th time, and ASD relay started kicking in and out, just like 9 years ago when I replaced this ECM.
But, I did not screw things up by resoldering the Pins on the circuit board!
So, I removed my mostly functioning ECM. I depotted it around 14 pin connector. Loose pins were detectable on the backside of the circuit board, and were wobble free after a reflowing/adding of regular 63/37 electronics solder.
The 140 watts of Weller Liquified the solder practically instantly, and I had a length of .032 diameter solder pressed against pin base and it was gobbled up quickly.
I also acquired a bunch of very fine, tightly wound cotton
Swabs, and had another go at pins and sockets with both D5 and DeOxit gold. I went a bit nutty with Caig Deoxit D5 and a micro q tip in the dremel and was able to turn more cotton dark gray.
Anyway, reinstalled, it fired right up, and ran great, but the code 53 is still there.
Hopefully the Demons have been exorcised.
Now to have my older ECM rebuilt and have a back up. I wish I knew what part failed, I'm not scared to depot, remove and reinstall components anymore, unless they are super tiny.
Amazing the difference between a 40 watt Iron and the 140 watt Solder gun. I likely could have pulled this off with the 40 watt Iron, but I was able to liquify solder, and add more, and get the heat source off in under a second.
I am impressed with the Weller WEL8200PK. I do not know why I was reluctant to get one as it makes a joke out of the regular irons.
This pic shows the older ECM after I pasted liquid electrical tape over the reflowed solder. Those mini pipe cleaners are quite handy for application and scrubbing.

Sold next to the dental floss in your local pharmacy, but cheaper on Amazon.
I also have acquired some Deoxit F5 Fader lube. I did the 10 turn pot on my Meanwell rsp-500-15 with it as it became crusty and voltage change was no longer smooth. It worked perfectly.
I will be using it on My throttle position sensor too as these are the similar type of construction as potentiometers and faders.
I hope this resolves my stalling issues.