12 Days later and I have not had a stalling or stuttering issue since I reflowed the solder on the circuit board, and the engine starts and runs super smoothly.
I have used various Caig DeOXit products on a majority of other electrical connectors. D5 to clean, and Gold or Shield to protect after cleaning. The 02 sensor, Map and TPS sensor pins and sockets were heavily oxidized, as well as the connector for the fuel pump, despite a liberal coating of Dielectric grease "protecting" the contacts from degradation. I've got a bunch more connectors to deal with in a preventative maintenance mindset, as I am simply so impressed with how much oxidation Caig D5 DeOxit is able to remove even after a thorough cleaning with other products.
I could not really get much, if any Caig F5 Fader lube inside the Throttle Position Sensor as opening it up to reach the conductive surfaces would likely have ruined it. I just made a puddle in the one receptacle and moved it through its range with a screwdriver and the F5 either crept in or Evaporated. I did not check to see if resistance changed nice and linearly with movement beforehand, so Did not afterward either.
Anyway, it seems the demons have been exorcised and I have confidence again in my Vehicle's propulsion unit. Looking forward to getting Caig products onto other mating electrical contacts throughout.