tealboy wrote:
Thx. I found a thread on the Honda surging and it took me to a video. Sounds like the low speed Jet is the culprit.
This problem
(also called "throttle/governor hunting") is very common in small, carbureted engines. First, the carburetors are set as lean as possible from the factory. Second the jets are fixed, not adjustable.
The term "low speed jet" is really not correct. It is the PRIMARY jet. "Low speed" makes you think that it is only used at lower RPMs. In fact it is ALWAYS used and establishes the "base" fuel flow.
Cleaning small engine carburetors can be a challenge. They MUST be removed from the engine and disassembled. Take care not to tear any gaskets as they can be reused multiple times
(buy spares or gasket paper with a good sharp X-Acto knife). Heated ultrasonic cleaner is the best tool, but unless you do dozens per minth, they are not worth the cost. A 1 gallon bucket of carburetor cleaner and an over night soak is also good.
Or place the disassembled carburetor in a pot of water with some lemon/lime juice or vinegar or a few drops of Dawn dish soap and boil for about 10 minutes. Probe all passages/jets with a single wire from a wire brush. Blow out.