Beautiful blues and greens?
OP update:
I opened up the battery cases today and found that the corrosion was back, this time in lovely green to go along with blue. I cleaned all that gunk off and scraped things with a pocket knife and sandpaper until I had nice gleaming metal at all the connections. I also cleaned up my ground connection to the frame. This seems to have addressed the voltage drop, with the panels off and inverter on with the same laptop charger load of just under 100 watts I'm only getting a small voltage drop. It seemed to level out at around 12.4V. Once again, voltage measurements are taken right at the posts via the SCC voltage sense wires. I dipped the hydrometer in each cell and the readings were all right around 1.300 with panels disconnected. Does that seem OK? Seems too high, although the SCC was in float when I started the maintenance. Anyway, we'll see how things go now with cleaned up connections.
First battery in series, lovely greens and blues:
Close up of the green gunk:
Second battery in series:
Cleaned up: