scarecrow56 wrote:
I'm gonna put my TT in the back yard. I have used a 50' extension cord to power the slides and fridge and a few other things including the AC for a short time. Question is, This time I'm gonna have to use a 100' cord. How will this affect the voltage/drain on the power, if at all?
Yes, voltage drop is the issue, and also popping the breaker in the house if anything big in the house on that circuit is also on.
Air conditioner can be damaged by low voltage, but other things might still run ok, but less well. Eg, microwave will run but struggle. The converter will run but at lower than rated amps. Your fridge will run on AC the day before a trip while on "cool-down" ok if you don't overload the circuit with other 120v things in the house or RV.
Your converter will be happy on Float voltage maintaining the batteries since that job is at very low DC amps so little voltage drop at the 120v level.
Comical about the dog! :) An "innocent" creature could not possibly do such a thing1