Forum Discussion

Kayteg1's avatar
Explorer II
Jul 30, 2017

Freezer cold, fridge warm

My newest purchase Lance 1161.
Check fridge buying and after 1/2 hr the freezer part got colder, so I assumed it is good, but now have it going for most of the day and when the freezer is really freezing, the refrigerator did not change the temperature.
Do I need new fridge or is it an easy fix?
  • Absorption frides use ONE cooling unit with TWO evap coils
    Low temp Evap is for freezer
    High temp Evap is for food compartment

    Freezer is FIRST to get cooling effect.
    The Cold ammonia vapor absorbs the heat.......freezer being first it gets the most heat absorbed so very little heat absorption is left for food compartment UNTIL freezer gets below 10*F THEN food compartment can begin getting colder cause the cold ammonia vapor has heat absorption capability.

    Colder freezer gets the more heat can be absorbed in food compartment.
    12 hrs for adequate cooling effect

    RV level?
    Critical for proper gravity flow of liquid ammonia thru absorber tubes back to boiler

    And the inside of RV remaining HOT is a hindrance....especially if one keeps opening fridge doors..cold out HOT AIR IN
  • At 108 with a absorption fridge don't open it for a week and see if it can get down to 50 in the fridge. :) Thats hot! With that kind of heat I believe you will have a very hard time keeping the fridge at a acceptable temp. If by chance you do need a new fridge I would suggest you look seriously at a 12 volt danfoss compressor fridge. I have had a chance now to use my new one extensively and could not be happier with it. Its ice cold no matter what the temp is. JMHO
  • 9 PM and fridge is down to 88F with camper still at 103.
    So it is "cooling"
    Will post what happens in the morning.
    Thanks for guiding me via stressful moment.
  • Freezer at 24f isn't working... Should be single digit or even below zero.

    Put some water bottles in both compartments and wait another 12 hours or more. Could be a malfunction from running empty.
  • Somebody has to be on moderators watch list. I see reply counted on main page, but not when I open the topic. It poops like 1 hr later
  • I hope you are right.
    Camper sits in the afternoon shade with 108F around when I got freezer down to 24F.
    The fridge is 95 as I keep it closed since morning.
  • What's the temp outside? Is it facing the sun? Propane or electric? How long since you turned it on? Give it a good day (24hours) before getting too worried.
  • Try a battery operated fan in fresh food section. Worked for me since '78.