Forum Discussion

2112's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 23, 2022

Fridge Fan Swich Failed

My 130°F thermo switch that controls the fans on the outside of my absorption fridge failed. I temporarily wired a mechanical switch in its place until I can get a replacement thermo switch.

Any problem leaving the fans on in 90° weather while traveling? Can this cool the rear fins off too much causing an issue?

  • Is the refer in a slide room? IF SO, running the fan 24/7 will yield the best possible performance of the refer. But, NO, to your question. There is no possible harm by running the fan 24/7. Doug
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    It is in a slide. I'll just leave them running.

  • 2112,

    I've had zero problems with the computer fans I added. They are thermostatically controlled.
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    Thanks Don

    The camper came with 2 what look to be about 80mm fans blowing across the fins on the upper portion in the rear. Very difficult to get to the fans. I've been having issues with the corroded spade lugs on the OEM thermally controlled switch that controls them.

    Right now I have the Texas sun beating down on the fridge side of the camper, fans been running since this morning and it's 48° in the fridge.

    It'll be down to 32° in there in the morning.

    Unfortunately there are no spaces available here that face the other way
  • 2112's avatar
    Explorer II
    I have some Reflctix I might try covering the outside area between the vent panels with. We are just here 1 weekend a month visiting here mom and hopefully fall will get here soon.

    But there's always next summer