My Dometic fridge is a RM 2652 model, Panel lites not working, will test - outlet, 12vfuse,Panel lights not working.......then you do NOT have 12V DC to fridge
Either the 'feeder' DC fuse is blown (one in DC Dist Panel---15A)
OR the Fridge Stack High Temp sensor has tripped shutting down ALL DC to fridge (because cooling unit overheated----blockage)
Service ManualPg 6 - 8 .....DC Terminal Block
Pg 10 - 11 ...Lower circuit board (power module outside compartment)
Stack High Temp sensor is a 'Recall' safety device.
Trips all DC shutting down fridge
Located on burner stack .....manual reset
On reread of post see that you have a bad cooling unit.....crack/leaked.
So Stack High Temp Sensor tripped due to overheating from cracked cooling unit hence no DC to fridge.
Yikes!-----new cooling unit or fridge????