Furnace not getting enought fuel but fridge works (I assume on propane) Water heater and stove as well. Ok suspect list
1: Propane tank may have what is called an Excess Flow Valve. This would likely NOT bother Fridge (though one poster said it did) but would water heater and for sure would the furnace if it's closed. If that is the case close tank valve. Pause for oh. about 1 cup of coffee. then SLOWLY open the valve till you just hear gas start to flow.. pause till you don't hear any more flow. Repeat till valve fully open.
Next is the orifice (The small hole from which stuff spews forth, Gas in this case) there is a spider that loves to nest there.. Clean it out.
Next is the spark gap on the Direct Spark Ignightor Make sure it's set per the manual
The Thermocouple normally lasts forever.. but the key word is Normally
The control board may fry. Mine did. I think I know why.. I replaced it with a Dinosaur board replacement and .... It appears they have the same theory as on the Dino board is a device designed to prevent what I think happened.
The solenoid valve can also have issues.
That about covers most of the more common issues. There are a few "Exotic" ones too but those are the most common.
Oh and the Sail switch..
To make sure it does not overheat there is a "Sail Switch" when the T-Stat calls for heat the control board starts the blower (I occasionally have an issue there and I have a detector installed for when it happnes) when the blower is blowing enough air the sail switch sails closed and heat is then generated.
Low battery
Aging blower
Clogged ductwork/vents
Can prevent sail switch from sailing.