Under load switching is an art-form. And so is generator warm-up.
There is no way in hell I am going to engage my 4 cyl Kubota generator (water cooled) without a full 5 minutes warm up. Air cooled engines require less time for warm up but it would be foolish to try and engage in less than a minute...
Load switching in commercial applications require pumping up an air over hydraulic ram to a certain pressure, then flipping a valve and then the contacts close within a chamber FILLED WITH MERCURY to minimize flashover. Milliseconds count.
I'm going to take a stab at the following
If all load was eliminated on a circuit breaker before engaging it is quite possible to extend it's service life by ten to twenty times. Try 2000%
When loading a generator, always start with the heaviest loads FIRST.
Engage the breaker minus all loads, then perhaps the A/C at the air conditioner controls, then kitchen and bathroom...