A bunch of interesting compare and contrast items with this generator:
1. 79 cc engine, same as Yamaha ef2000is, Honda eu2000i is 98 cc.
2. Manual says output is bonded to ground, very different from the others.
3. Manual says no need to earth ground, very different from others.
4. 3 idle speed levels as opposed to 2 with the competition.
5. No wiring diagram in owners manual.
6. Watch what you read: One ad says "easily power a manual transfer switch", which doesn't play well with the bonded output.
7. Watch what you read: One review has the nice oxymoron "engine turns a DC alternator".
8. Personal opinion: The electronic displays are (probably) just a bunch of cheap junk to break, maybe preventing use of the generator.
9. The parallel kit uses "suicide plugs". Does the parallel box have relays or electronics to prevent an exposed hot plug? If it doesn't, that's one problem. If it does, it's another thing to break, and the failure mode could create an exposed hot plug. Sounds like a bad idea either way.
Disclosure: Opinions from an eu2000i owner.