jpratt2 wrote:
I'm curious about the possibility of "back flow" in a charging system, given the multiple charging sources on most RV's (shore power, generator, alternator). What keeps one charging source from potentially harming another? I know that solar panels should have a blocking diode for this purpose. Is there a similar blocking device on each charging source before connecting to to the batteries?
You are correct when it comes to Solar Panels. the charge controller will have a blocking diode on it's output
Alternators have at least SIX diodes
The Converter also has blocking diodes
So do all other charging sources.
A blocking diode is a "One way valve" for electricity. So though it is, in theory, possible for one device to harm another. ALL devices designed for RV use have blocking diodes. and most external automoative chargers as well
For one thing. the Diodes. are what makes DC out of AC