Curious on separate solar inputs and how that works. I mean how does controller see actual battery state if another solar input is connected. (I'm assuming 2 controllers?) Seems each would see the others output instead of battery?
When I set mine up, single 140, was with the intent of adding another panel. Though not high on the list it has occurred to me, other than cost for another controller, it might be advantageous to run as separate system. But because with our usage, only 2 batts, ease of install (space), addition likely be smaller 100wattish panel tied in parallel.
In OPs case, the older panel might be 15+V and new panel(s) 17+V.
My understanding is if the panel voltage is different, system operates at lesser voltage. May not make a real impact. But was just thinking in this case Might be simpler to leave original system intact and add another independent? But I dont find any info as far as multiple controllers on one battery bank. Probably a dumb idea & that isnt done, instead run seperate strings that could be taken in/out.