Hi Guys, as for setup on separate systems, the dedicated battery bay on the Lance is full of one 12V batt so that is the house system. The small panel works quite well and keeps the battery up although there is no current way for presice readings anywhere, just the Lance stock idiot light array over the range.
I would never try to match another panel up to the existing one because it looks like a substandard POS which doesn't mean it does not work, just that I don't need two of those!
Since my current system does fine with the house lights which is all it can do without an Inverter, I thought I'd just add one for now and build the permanent system as funds allow.
Switching gears, in my reading I've found as one responder mentioned that it is really all about how many batts you can carry. I have the two small "battery sized" bays at the rear on both sides of the Lance that I think could each hold a Trojan 6V for the new system. Maybe just one 140 charger to begin with. I am planning to go boony camping so plan to pick up about a 24-26 foot bumper toy Toy Hauler which brings us around to the master plan which I'm sure lots of folks will have lots of comments about. As a songwriter, I had a small recording studio in my home. The components are all packed up for storage while I get started on my adventure but when I can add the ToyBox I'll be setting it all up in there! My Analog based studio has main power in the way of a QSC RMX 1450 which makes 450 Watts @ 4 ohms or 700 Watts with duel channels and an Allan & Heath ZED436 Console.
Of course I will need a bigazz Gen for all that but I wonder sometimes, just how many battery's would it take....?