Thanks to all the great posts this round... My roof space is not too bad. There are already silicon "spots" where a full sized panel was and they removed it before selling or whatever so that's a place for one panel. In front of that, there is room for another full sized but right now that is where the undersized charger resides. Thanks to poster who suggested a free standing panel. Great idea! I just may use the little panel for that and just monitor it as needed. I will also get the tilt kits as I agree with the poster who mentioned aiming and harvesting the most for the $$$!
Today I'm fiddling with my Inverter and wondering how to get wiring pulled or otherwise run in an existing system TC? Those conduits exiting the "under sink" workspace a already packed with wires which brings me to another quandary?
I'd really like to "hard mount" my Directv dish on the roof but the pigtail for that thing is big and fat as I'm sure everyone knows..
What do folks do to run that thing? I am aware of the "Tripod" systems and in considering all, that does sound much more simple and I've seen the setups with the bungy to a doggy leash screw in the ground directly below the center of the pod... I guess I'll see what works..
I did see a great and inventive setup on a similar Lance a few days ago.. Homer hed his dish mounted on the ladder with "U-Bolts" and it was below the roof line so out of the wind dynamic... I have a bike rack on the ladder so not sure if both would be happy together like that...