CONTINUED/ so at this point, I need at least a backup batt as one poster responded and correcty so.. As to where it will reside on my rig, I have seen the "weld-up" tow receiver insert creations some have had custom built and that may be an option. Perhaps a width of a battery box setup one each side of the entry steps which would need to be able to work as designed through the middle of the thing... Just sayin'... I did check out my 1990's issue Wagan Tech 600 Inverter yesterday just for kicks and my face got a new kind of smile on it..
Worked great with my Directv Receiver and sad to say in my house there is still a glass picture tube Sony Trinatron relic hanging on the wall.. Anyhow, it powered them both together like a champ.. I know... Rookie solar here but hey, I enjoyed it. It was an small however important step for me.. One thing that was a bit of a surprise was how sort of noisy the fan in the Inverter was.. I am not all that excited about having that thing right next to my bed.. This brings me to the next question.. My creative mind came up with the idea (crazy or grand?) of putting the Inverter on an umbillicle (that word looks funnhy to me...I wish this spell check was working!!!) type of setup so I can use it all around the camper environment and then at night just utilize a HD extension cord for the breathing machine.. If this is a sensible idea, my thoughts were something LIKE an extension cord pigtail only it would have to be the same heavy gauge as the very short wire that came with the Inverter... I look forward to getting responses to this one...