Hmmm... now you've got me thinking again and you know, when it came time to pony up nearly 300 coconuts for one panel, I think I may have been shopping around a bit more anyhow...
Also, agreed... No energy audit..
Here it is: no recording studio for a long while now. I don't do computer recording, just Analog with a Digital Recording Machine of course. This means it's worse than you had described. There are ways to cut down the power and switch out some equipment such as the heart of the matter.. that heavy weight Power Amp.. No it's just TV with Receiver or TV with DVD Player and during TV time, I don't need anything else going on.. I have some small batt operated lights I could use but the point being only one thing at a time. Then the BiPap at night and my 600W Inverter should handle that just fine I would think. Again, nothing else would be using power while the breathing machine is running either..
I like to cook but mostly outside. I'm planning to pick up one of those half burner & half grill Colemans.. I am a Charcoal user as well.
As for cooking inside, I may use a small hand corded mixer for a couple of minutes but everything on its own so I do know about not turning everything on at once.. Thanks again for the responses...