This system is a bit whacky isn't it.. Just lost many characters on the last post?? So my thoughts were that I would never stick 120V under my kitchen sink at home but Lance has it under theirs and mine is leaking a little water. (will fix asap) Wouldn't there have been a better design or is this because my TC is a 1995?
OK I have another point for you: Piano brought up the fridge. I'm running exclusively on LP but if it also works on elec with shore power I guess that means that it didn't need an Inverter since the sp is hard wired into the selector switch for elec or gas... Right?
I did find it odd that the previous owner or someone before him set up the solar with the tiny little Controller but no Inverter. Inverter is an option? I wouldn't see it that way but I love to mod stuff..
On that note, bouth "house" recepticles are exclusively house power and it would be great if I could use them through my Inverter. Convenience.
I guess that would be a pain to change over?