Lexicon7 wrote:
... I am leaving it on gas. After further review, it seems that the "absorbtion" system uses electricity.
If this is true it must be on the house circuit. Either way, if the cheesy little Lance issue "colored light array" system has any credence, my batt is full and I've never seen it any other way!
Lexicon7 - it would've streamlined your learning curve if you had told anything about nameplates. What fridge, what solar size (the tiny one that you have).
It could be that your fridge is a regular LP absorption unit that needs a little 12V current for circuit board. Since it needs very little of this current, your existing small solar is able to keep the battery from depleting while in storage, i.e. when not running any other loads. Those control circuits are drawing from 5 AH to 15 AH per 24 hours, depends on the fridge model.
No, I would not give much credence to OEM light array on the wall that says Battery Full. It's likely between 50% and 100% full. An easy way to determine this is to put $5 multimeter across the contacts just before sunrise, when solar is still Off and all the loads are Off, including fridge.