Lexicon7 wrote:
RM2510 Dometic.
Just what I thought.
It's a 2 way LP/110V, with 12V needed in LP mode.
51"x13" solar panel is about 60W. Or less, if this is amorphous type. 60W panel could harvest 15-20 AH on a sunny day. Enough to run control board of the fridge. So if you don't do anything else in camper, and don't burn much lights, your battery stays full with this tiny panel already. The previous owner wasn't that stupid. I doubt it is wired "directly" to battery, there could be a tiny nondescript box of cheap controller somewhere, size of a cigarette pack. Or they've skipped the controller. With panel 50W and larger it's better to have a controller.
Meanwhile, Don has managed to write a "concise guide to solar off-griding" in less than a page ;). Good stuff. Read it.