theoldwizard1 wrote:
Monster1 wrote:
My other thought was to buy two 2000w ipower generators. One for charging or both when needing more power. Would I be better suited with a large generator or two smaller in parallel when needed? IMO a large generator to just charge up a 12v battery might be overkill and inefficient.
For me, the decision of 1 vs 2 generators comes down to easy of moving them around. 2 small ones are definitely easier to handle !
Yes, 2 small (2000W) generators cost more, especially when adding in the parallel kit. You will save a small amount of fuel running only one generator when you don't have a high load, but it would not be enough to recover the additional costs in your lifetime.
Also, don't condemn Champion for one bad experience ! IMHO, I would rather own a Champion than the A-Ipower model.
X2 Ease of manhandling the generator (s) is a key consideration. I went with 2 Champion 2k models. So far I am happy.