I operated a 3.300 dollar new Yamaha diesel genset on a beach 70 miles from the nearest gasolinera. Gasoline cost ninety cents per gallon and diesel was FIFTEEN US CENTS PER GALLON.
I had a flatbed pickup and four steel 55 gallon drums. In 24 hours the generator consumed eight gallons. And needed 5 qts of Delo 400 and one Baldwin oil filter and one diesel fuel filter per week.
220 x .15 = a dollar and a half per day. The filters cost me $9.50 per change. A RAcor fuel separator filter.
But the trips, 140 miles worth at 9 mpg cost fourteen dollars. A day lost... 140 miles on a badly potholed 2 lane road was a real butt buster.
Changing oil, and 2 filters, refueling the generator, wrestling and transporting drums, disposing of dirty oil. Being awakened by a plugged RAcor filter at 0315 hours...
It added up to...
Not worth it. At least to me. Those days Solar Panels was something heard when talking journeys into outer space.
I refocused summers on horse packing into the Sierra mountains of California.